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Federal Housing Act/Administration

The Federal Housing Administration was created and founded in 1934 to revive a house industry leveled by the Great Depression. This Administration sought to stimulate homeowndership by providing mortgage insurance and regulating interest rates.This Act was signed FDR in 1934 and fix the damage the Great Depression has made. When FHA was created, only four in ten households owned home.(AllGov).FHA insures mortgages on single family and multifamily homes including manufactored homes and hostpitals (portal HUD). The Federal Housing Act was successful in some ways because it gave homeowners a down payment on a house but it also had its disadvantages. It protected lenders from losses associated with mortgage default. (investopedia) This Act helped many people with their housing loans. The FHA helped mostly middle class and it didn't really hlep the really poor because they had to pay back the loan that they had borrowed and invested. This is a long-term recovery because it still is used today and helped many people. I would consider this liberal because the government is lending out he money for homeowners but they still have to pay it back. 


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